Hey there, welcome to my blog!

Project Exit 1095 was born in 2021 to share my experiences on my way out of the corporate life. I am a engineer based in Sydney (Australia), but would love to connect with people around the world.

After more than a decade working in diversified projects, I thought that was time give a go to something different (this is a polite way to say that I had enough of corporate politics!).

I couldn’t stand the idea of having a 9-5 standard for the rest of my life – we just live once and we need to make the most of it!

After a lot of research and reflection, I launched this website. If you want to know how everything started, start reading my first post and then keep reading how the adventure is going.

If you want to check out my blog posts, you can click here. My blog will be focused on the FIRE (Financial Independence and Retire Early) movement, Finance and Investing, Career Reflections, Online Business, and Lifestyle.

I try to release one post every week (Sundays), but I am much more worried with the quality of the content rather than quantity – so forgive me in advance if I miss one day or another.

I hope you enjoy my posts – It will be great to connect with like-minded people and help each other in this journey!

Feel free to leave a comment in any of my posts or send me an e-mail.

Looking forward to connecting with you all!